◆B方式の合格者は、ARE(Advanced Returnees' English)クラスに参加できます
試験種別 | 帰国生試験 |
募集人員 | 10名程度 |
試験日 | 2024年12月8日(日) |
試験種別 | 帰国生1期試験 | 帰国生2期試験 | ||
A方式 | B方式 | A方式 | B方式 | |
募集人員 | 15名程度 | |||
志願者 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 1 |
受験者 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 1 |
合格者 | 9 | 5 | 0 | 1 |
募集人員 | 2024年度 中学1年生 中学2年生 中学3年生 各学年若干名 |
出願資格 | 3学期(令和7年1月8日)より本校に編入学を希望する海外帰国生徒で、 上記の募集学年に相当する女子。 |
出願期間 | 2024年11月25日(月) 午前9時~12月20日(金) |
入学試験日 | 2024年12月26日(木)午前8時30分までに学校受付にいらしてください。 |
試験科目 (時間) |
国語・数学・英語 (国語と数学:50分 英語:リスニング10分を含む60分) |
面接 | 保護者および受験生 (試験当日に行います。保護者:午前、受験生:午後) |
合格発表 | 2024年12月26日(木)午後5時頃 メールでお伝えします。 (電話等によるお問い合わせは、ご遠慮下さい。) |
現在、海外にお住まいの方は日本に帰国の際に学校見学をご案内できます。日時はお問い合わせ よりご連絡ください。お待ちしております。
Seisen’s ARE program is an advanced English class designed to take your English skills to an even higher level. Like many classes, we will practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening. But one thing that makes this class different is we don’t just study English. We use English to learn interesting things about the world around us. In that way, you will continue to improve your English ability and expand your vocabulary like students in an English speaking country.
You will read novels and do research projects, write essays and do presentations. Creative projects, like making an original skit with your classmates, is another fun part of ARE classes. ARE students also enjoy playing games and doing problem solving activities and team building activities in English. One of the best things about ARE classes is the students you will meet and the good friends you will make. Many students in these classes have lived in different countries around the world. This is great because by exchanging ideas and cultural experiences with your classmates,
you will learn even more about the world and gain a better understanding of other cultures.
If you want to continue learning English in a fun and challenging environment, please join us at Seisen in the ARE class!
・We read books and did a play about the book. We sometimes did some presentation with slides too. We also played some games. Most of the lessons are group work so I can get to know my classmates even more.
・We have learned constellation in English. We’ve read books and talked about them with our classmates too.
・In class we read books, have discussions (about the books), play games and study grammar.
・I learned a lot of grammar that I wasn’t very sure of and because of this class I’m able to keep a high grade on English.
・I’m most looking forward to ARE class at school. This is because all my classmates are interesting so I can improve my knowledge while having fun.
(ARE の授業を学校で一番楽しみにしています。クラスメートがみんな面白く、楽しみながら知識を深められるからです。)
・Our teacher speaks only in English and it’s really good because we don’t lose our English. Also, my classmates come from other countries so it’s really fun to talk about such countries and cultures.
・Discussing the book with my classmates makes reading more fun and interesting. Also, discussing the book and sharing opinions helps us to understand the book better.
・I think my classmates are very friendly and funny. ARE class is VERY fun. The teachers are very kind and friendly too. We learn lots of words we don’t know. We talk in English of course and that’s why I’m able to keep my English speaking level up.
I lived in Taiwan for one year. At the time, I was very shy and didnʼt have any friends until two months had passed ; however, one girl invited me to play with her and her friends. Thanks to her, I made a lot of friends. From this experience, I realized that by being able to speak the same language, we could be connected across cultures. In ARE class, we play games, read a book each semester, and watch movies. Mr. Johnson, our English teacher, picks interesting books for us every time. I am always excited about what we will be reading. For your exams, itʼll be better to be able to discuss and write based upon your experiences and opinion in English. Good luck!
9:30 | 受付 |
10:00 |
12:00 | 解散・個別質問 |